Two Wenches and a Dog

We are two wenches. We have a dog.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

You know I have a picture taking compulsion, no matter what the subject. As long as I've got film (ok, a memory stick) I'll keep taking pictures.

I felt all glittery, inside and out. And Hilary looked right at me, like she knew me or something! I really do think we could be BEST FRIENDS 4-EVER. I mean, we both love Miami - I know that because she said "Hello Miami, I love you" - and we been in hit movies and can sing better than Mariah Carey. Wait. I think I made a wrong turn on the way to BFF-ville. I'll have to think some more about this, but I definitely felt a CONNECTION. I bet that's why she kept coming over to my side of the stage. I sure fooled Sharill, telling her that I got the tickets for "free" - haha. She'll never know I had to leave work early to go meet a scalper in a dark alley to get them.


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