Two Wenches and a Dog

We are two wenches. We have a dog.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

What can I say about today...really, there are no words. First of all, we're the hottest chicks here. No seriously, we are.

I really can't think of anything to say, so I'll just leave you with a picture. I've finally realized why Sharill stayed single all these years.

Sharill loves Tangwar. And Volvic.

Friday, August 26, 2005

It's amazing how easily innocent items from your youth can be corrupted by simply making an impulse buy at a Kangaroo gas station. I'm referring, of course, to the way that Sharill and I have completely redefined the Care Bear stare. For starters, you'd now have to look at our navels to receive it.

Yes, that's right. We got Care Bear bellybutton rings. Not matching, because that would just be silly. They were $9.99 (such a bargain) and came with a free bag of BBQ pork rinds, which we politely declined. We cleaned them with Bactine and popped those suckers in. When we get a chance, we'll post a photo.

On to the rest of the night. We arrived at Stacy and Ben's house at about 10:00 and spent the next few hours playing 90’s Trivial Pursuit. Who knew that Vanilla Ice "wrote" an autobiography called Ice to Ice? At the close of the game, we retired to an extremely comfortable futon, and I got 8.5 hours of sleep, which I think is a record for the last 3 or so months. This morning Sharill, Stacy and I went to Boston Coffee and had excellent coffee and breakfast. We’re now on our way from Deland to Orlando. Approximate arrival time: 11:30. Planned itinerary: check in to the hotel, go get a pedicure. Return to hotel for secret rendezvous with unsuitable young men.

Sharill loves breakfast bagels. And Volvic.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

You may be asking yourselves, where are Liz and Sharill right now? And the answer to that most fundamental question would be mile marker...wait for it...153 on the great interstate that is 95. Thanks to the miracle of technology, I am able to blog while she drives.

We are off on our last great roommate adventure, to exotic Orlando. In fact, this is the first trip we've taken together in our four years of cohabitation. As such, it's really the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. Our last chance to fellowship and frolic, in a world filled with mirth and magic. Really, we're anticipating that we will lose time within ourselves.

That reminds me...Sharill, weren't you in a movie with Flipper? The dolphin - he is dead. He died in a car accident. Do you vear vigs? Have you vorn vigs? Vill you vear vigs? When vill you vear vigs?

Stay tuned for further updates, and the final revelation of our true destination. For those of you who may be (completely unnecessarily) concerned about driving in the "hurricane" – we've had nothing but sunny skies, even now at 8:15. Of course, West Palm Beach is probably hurting, because as we all know, there ain't no sunshine when we're gone.

And Sharill loves Cheez-Its. And Volvic.

Monday, August 22, 2005

It's official - I now have a place to live. I'm no longer doomed to cardboard box/couch dwelling. I'm moving in with my friend/coworker Curt. He lives close to work (25 minutes or so) and is a clean, neat, lovely person! I can't wait, it's gonna be awesome.

Friday, August 19, 2005

I hadn't realized it was so soon.

I looked at the calendar today and, with a start, saw that in 12 days, Sharill and I will be parted forever, by distance and circumstance. OK, well maybe not forever, but at least for the foreseeable future. Our lease is up on the 31st. On that day, the council will lose a crucial bit - cohabitation. 3 more years and we might have qualified for partner benefits in some states, Canada, Spain, and the Netherlands. And she gets the dog. Yes, yes, I know it's her dog and she pays for it and walks it and feeds it and gets up with it. Still, I've gotten used to Syd and will miss her.

At least we have the last hurrah, next weekend in Orlando. Will we blog it, or will the grief still be too near? Only time will tell. Maybe I'll write a lament.

I'm going to go cry now.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

You know I have a picture taking compulsion, no matter what the subject. As long as I've got film (ok, a memory stick) I'll keep taking pictures.

I felt all glittery, inside and out. And Hilary looked right at me, like she knew me or something! I really do think we could be BEST FRIENDS 4-EVER. I mean, we both love Miami - I know that because she said "Hello Miami, I love you" - and we been in hit movies and can sing better than Mariah Carey. Wait. I think I made a wrong turn on the way to BFF-ville. I'll have to think some more about this, but I definitely felt a CONNECTION. I bet that's why she kept coming over to my side of the stage. I sure fooled Sharill, telling her that I got the tickets for "free" - haha. She'll never know I had to leave work early to go meet a scalper in a dark alley to get them.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Today is a great and auspicious day. I'm talking, of course, about the Hilary Duff concert that Sharill and I are going to tonight. Row 7 baby! We'll be up close and personal with the Duffster herself. I wonder if she'd be upset if we insist on calling her Lizzie McGuire?

There will be pictures and sarcasm galore, either tonight when we get home (but probably not, as we'll be too overcome with joy from this special, special opportunity) or tomorrow sometime.

Monday, August 01, 2005

We were at the Dirty Dwarf last week and found that the door to the bathroom is, in fact, labelled as "Wenches." Well, do you think we could let that pass? No indeed. And so, for your viewing pleasure, here we are, in all of our pre-drunken glory. (Although neither of us were actually drunk that night, it certainly sounds much more wench-y to say that we were.) Sharill later had the remainder of Drew's beer sampler spilled on her pants, largely because I decided to stack all five shot glasses. Hey, they looked stable enough. Apparently, when one jars a wobbly table, stacked glasses fall over. Who knew? So, Sharill ended up looking like she had peed on herself. We took pictures of that too - but they're not getting posted. Haha.