You may be asking yourselves, where are Liz and Sharill right now? And the answer to that most fundamental question would be mile marker...wait for it...153 on the great interstate that is 95. Thanks to the miracle of technology, I am able to blog while she drives.
We are off on our last great roommate adventure, to exotic Orlando. In fact, this is the first trip we've taken together in our four years of cohabitation. As such, it's really the beginning and the end, the alpha and the omega. Our last chance to fellowship and frolic, in a world filled with mirth and magic. Really, we're anticipating that we will lose time within ourselves.
That reminds me...Sharill, weren't you in a movie with Flipper? The dolphin - he is dead. He died in a car accident. Do you vear vigs? Have you vorn vigs? Vill you vear vigs? When vill you vear vigs?
Stay tuned for further updates, and the final revelation of our true destination. For those of you who may be (completely unnecessarily) concerned about driving in the "hurricane" – we've had nothing but sunny skies, even now at 8:15. Of course, West Palm Beach is probably hurting, because as we all know, there ain't no sunshine when we're gone.
And Sharill loves Cheez-Its. And Volvic.
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